Friday, April 24, 2009


It is only 2/3 of the size of Estonia but its little bit more hilly and the highest point is nearly 700m. Only 66km beach line in Belgium is fully urbanized and not an real eye catcher imho. Over 10 million people speak half-half French and Dutch. They dont like to mix too much so who knows how this country was shaped. And when guys are kissing each other cheeks then they not gays but just greeting.

In the other hand Brussels is called the capital of Europe where all main citys are 1000km reach. Among other important institutions its also the headquarters of the European Commission, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE).

Although the influence from the last economic crisis has been minor i haven't managed to get proper job in here. Looking work as English speaker in this country is painful, at least out of Brussels. But also I haven't had privilege to use legal job agencies and i haven't made any great efforts to learn official languages too. So lot of room for improvements. Lets see how it goes.